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There is an S-word on the lips of people in these parts, and it’s not a curse. It also has nothing to do with that road-clogging white stuff that falls from the sky. It’s spring, people! At long, long last!

A few weeks ago, I happily boasted of spring in Franconia. Then it snowed so heavily, only a sleigh with a flying, red-nosed reindeer could’ve led the kids to swim lessons. But I think spring is for real this time. I have proof: all along the roadways of Franconia, signs have been posted to warn drivers of frogs.

Every spring, frogs across the country decide the ditch is greener on the other side. For the health and safety of drivers, and our amphibian friends, frog barriers are erected along the roadways.

It’s spring! Time for chirping birds and kamikaze frogs! And that means fantastic weather for runners!

After getting my baby-fix at coffee group on Wednesday, I decided to do a little touring of the countyside by foot. This time, I happily donned my fluorescent yellow vest. It doesn’t make me invincible, but it makes me much more visible to those testing the engineering limits of fine German automotives.

I pulled out my pink-skinned iPhone and switched on the Runkeeper Pro. But the stalwart hills of Franconia resisted my introduction of high technology. Proving, once again, I live in the technological Bermuda triangle of Germany.

I had a great five-mile run nonetheless. When I got back to the house, I didn’t collapse on the floor—I vacuumed. It was the first time a run had energized me. I think it was due to proper rest, nutrition, sunshine, and springtime air: a combination I’m hoping will occur more frequently in the coming weeks.


Miles: 5

Extra: Due to my paranoia about imbalanced electrolytes, I took the day off on Tuesday. I did 30 minutes of upper body with My Fitness Coach on the Wii. Noah also worked out with me and is looking pretty buff, for a 7 year-old.

Overall feeling: Wednesday was the best run I’ve had thus far. If I feel that way every time I run, then I’m well on my way to being addicted.

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